Thursday, July 31, 2008

Splatd, the glue between LDAP and your home directory

LDAP is awesome for central authentication, and even more advanced things like mail routing and database info. But there are some things that it doesn't handle like creating and later cleaning and archiving user home directories. Or easily pushing out authorized_keys files for ssh. This is where splatd comes in.

Splatd can create home directories based on criteria that it can gather from ldap(such as min and maximum uidNumber), can copy your authorized_keys file from ldap, handle .forward files for users(again gathered from ldap), and finally can archive, and later delete home directories for users based on the criteria that you specify.

Unfortunately splatd doesn't have a Debian(etch) package, but it's fairly painless to use install it from source, then take the config and init script from an Ubuntu package. The only thing to adjust in the init script is the location of the binary, and away you go. You can tell it how often to query ldap for updates(default is 10 minutes), and apply its changes.

Update: To get authorized_keys working, you'll need to copy ooo.schema and ooossh.schema to /etc/ldap/schema on all your ldap instances, which allows you to set the sshAccount objectClass, and under that sshPublicKey. You can have multiple public keys.

In my tests it worked very nicely, and I really liked how easy the config file was. I'm pretty sure all of these actions could be done by something like Puppet(which I'll be blogging next week), but splatd made it easy.

Update: Speaking of ldap, it appears that slurpd replication no longer works in 2.4(I'm guessing Debian Lenny) so I'll also be investigating changing that to the new "syncrepl" replication.

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