Saturday, August 2, 2008

openldap sync replication instead of slurpd

syncrepl is a new replication mode, first introduced in openldap 2.2, and used exclusively in 2.4, where slurpd is deprecated. So if you're running Etch, you can use both methods, side by side even.

So why would you want to use it(besides the fact that slurpd will be obsolete in Lenny)? Well it provides a smarter way of replication, starting with the fact that your replica can start out completely empty, so no more having to copy DB's to slaves. Also, no more having to restart the master or add config changes when you want to setup a new slave. And reportedly more reliable replication(which I'm keen to see)

There are a couple of concepts in syncrepl that may be confusing at first. First, the "master" is called the "provider" and the slaves are called "consumers". Secondly, the basic setup of syncrepl(called refreshOnly) is a pull-based replication. So the consumer pulls updates from the provider.

So let's say you already have an ldap master configured, and your slaves are configured with the old slurpd replication. How do you start to migrate? In this example, we'll setup a new slave that will use syncrepl. It assumes you already have a replication user that has full read access to the master(you should have this if your use slurpd). It also assumes that you have the directive "lastmod on" enabled on your master. By default it is on, but to get replication working between etch and sarge ldap instances you may have it off. So if you still have sarge boxes in your replica chain, then stop now, otherwise you'll break them :)

First add the following 4 lines to your master:
#Under the Global Directives section
#Under your Database definition
overlay syncprov
syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
syncprov-sessionlog 100
Don't define the new slave on the master, as you do with slurpd replication.

On the slave, copy the slapd.conf from the master(minus the replica & replogfile lines), and make sure your slave has all the same schemas(in /etc/ldap/schema) that your master does. Then add the following 12 lines to your new slave.
#Under the database definition
syncrepl rid=1 #Identification number for the provider, max 3 digits long
provider=ldap://ldap #your master or rather "provider" ldap server
type=refreshOnly #we want pull-based to start with
interval=00:00:05:00 #schedule a replication event every 5 minutes
searchbase="dc=example,dc=com" #your search base
filter="(objectClass=*)" #get all elements
schemachecking=on #ensure schema is not violated
bindmethod=simple #authentication method
binddn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com" #your replication user
credentials="secret" #your replication password

Now simply restart your slave and watch /var/lib/ldap increase as the data is pulled from the master. Beautiful aye? If you don't particularly like the 5 minute wait, you can decrease that value, or look at setting up refreshandPersist replication "type". Haven't tried that yet, so can't comment on it.


1 comment:

Evan Fraser said...

Thankyou for posting this, I found this very helpful.
